International Travel Registry


What is the International Travel Registry?

The International Travel Registry allows faculty, staff and students on BGSU-sponsored travel abroad to inform the University of their international travel plans related to University purposes and activities.  

This is not an approval process, and the information provided will remain confidential except in case of emergency or if the travel plans include travel to locations embargoed by the United States Department of State, the Centers for Disease Control or the World Health Organization.  

Most importantly, those registering through the ITR will have access to International Travel Services and Insurance Program through the University’s United Health Plan.  A complete listing of the UHP coverage can be accessed here.  Click on the Medical EOB icon.

Why is it important to register?

Safety is NUMBER ONE!  Registering your international travel will provide the following benefits:  

  • The ITR helps the University to contact you in case of an emergency.
  • The ITR helps you stay in contact with the University and get urgent safety, health, and security-related information and assistance.
  • The ITR provides insurance through the University’s United Health Plan.


Who should register with the International Travel Registry?

Faculty, staff and students on BGSU credit or non-credit bearing activities planning international travel related to University purposes or activities are expected to register their trip with the International Travel Registry. The university related activities include, but are not limited to BGSU programs abroad, teaching, research, conference attendance, recruiting, development, athletic programs, performance programs, student organization traveling and faculty traveling with students on non-credit programs.   

Please note: Students on credit bearing study abroad programs have a separate registration procedure

What does the International Travel Services and Insurance Program Include?

For information on coverage click here.  Click on the Medical EOB icon.

When to register international travel with the ITR?

For greatest benefit, travel should be registered a few weeks before departure, and updates to travel plans should be entered into ITR as they become available.  

Pre-Departure Steps

  1. Check the State Department's current Travel Advisories
  2. Register with the BGSU International Travel Registry
  3. Register with the State Department Smart Traveler Enrollment Program
  4. Download the International SOS Assistant app on your smart phone for full risk information about your destination
  5. Review BGSU's Information Technology Service's International Travel Guidelines


Please use Firefox as your web browser when registering for the International Travel Registry.

Questions? Contact Us! or 419-372-2247.

Updated: 06/05/2024 11:25AM