
超过111年了, 州立鲍灵格林大学 has been a public university for the public good, 永远向前. 由国家建立, 为了国家, 作为教师培训机构, the University's history is defined by an educational pursuit for more. 今天, 波士顿州立大学是一所博天堂官方网站型大学, 全国排名, 综合性大学, 永远为自己是公众人物而自豪.




坐落在两个校区共1,132英亩,107座建筑, BGSU offers more than 200 undergraduate majors and programs, 以及博天堂官方网站生和在线课程.

As a public institution, it is our obligation to cultivate good through public education. BGSU is committed to redefining student success and elevating our commitment to research, 创造性活动, 伙伴关系和外部参与. 为了实现这些目标, 我们必须有效率,而且, 最重要的是, 是我们的人民,我们的学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 朋友, 父母, families and community members – that power our University and help us achieve excellence.

Two students with professor in photochemistry lab

全国领先的 合作伙伴关系

BGSU is developing unique public-private and public-public partnerships and new, relevant and meaningful academic programs to prepare students for success and to help meet the workforce needs of 俄亥俄州 and beyond. 合作伙伴包括

  • The Center for Justice 博天堂官方网站, in collaboration with the 俄亥俄州 Attorney General
  • 先进制造中心, in collaboration with Owens Community College and the University of Findlay
  • Cedar Fair Resort and Attraction Management program
  • Public health partnership with the Wood County Health Department

开创性的,相关的 博天堂官方网站

As an anchor institution of the region and ranked by U.S. 新闻 & World Report as a tier-one public university, BGSU专注于博天堂官方网站, scholarship and 创造性活动 to support the vitality of our communities and is awarded more than $20 million in research grants annually. Faculty 博天堂官方网站及创意活动 inform public debate and addresses significant issues facing society, driving groundbreaking discoveries across a wide spectrum of disciplines, 包括

  • The Great Lakes Center for Fresh Waters and Human Health
  • 光化学科学中心
  • National Center for Marriage and Family 博天堂官方网站
  • 法医学未来博天堂官方网站中心
Two students celebrate during Black Graduation


2021年,福布斯将BGSU列为美国大学排名第一的大学. 美国第三大中型雇主, highlighting the University's commitment to 教师 and 工作人员. 作为伍德县最大的雇主, BGSU employees provide an education of value and stewardship of the institution's mission to create good. Serving as the core of the University's academic community, more than 800 full-time 教师 members are engaged in teaching, 博天堂官方网站及创意活动.



BGSU creates public good by continuously innovating and fostering a culture of belonging and care to serve our students and our communities, 今天和明天. As a public university for the public good, our bedrock commitment to diversity and belonging requires mutual respect, understanding and valuing individuals to facilitate a more diverse and inclusive environment so all can belong.

猎鹰 对生活

Our Falcon 校友 network is comprised of leaders, 创新者, problem-solvers and problem-finders who are making an impact in their communities. Notable BGSU 校友 include NASA researcher Carl Sandifer, 雅培COVID测试贡献者陶鑫, NHL体育广播员Everett Fitzhugh, Pultizer Prize-winning author Anthony Doerr and Academy Award-winning actress Eva Marie Saint.

Two students pose together for a senior photo

重新定义 学生的成功

有超过19个,600名学生, BGSU is committed to redefining student success and providing an educational experience that meets students where they are. 学生 want more than a degree and we believe it is our shared responsibility to ensure our students are successful in college, and are also prepared for a career and life. As the only university in the nation offering 生活设计 on a broad scale, BGSU offers an innovative approach to education that supports students to lead meaningful and productive lives. 以那种方式, we drive public good through our graduates who make a difference in their families, 社区和专业.  



美国最大的 最佳大学城

Time and again, 猎鹰 say BGSU "feels like home," and we're proud of that. 位于鲍灵格林, 俄亥俄州, ranked one of America's 最佳大学城 by WalletHub — home to local bookstores, 咖啡店, 餐厅, 唱片店和商店. The city of Bowling Green features bike trails, 公园, 自然保护区, sledding hills and a weekly farmer's market, 离校园只有几步之遥, while being conveniently located 30 miles from Toledo, 俄亥俄州, 靠近克利夫兰, 哥伦布, 俄亥俄州, 和底特律, 密歇根.

BG Philharmonia performing at Kobacker Hall

丰富我们的区域 及以后

Through our programs in the arts and Division I 博天堂官方网站, BGSU is a major contributor to the social and cultural vitality of northwest 俄亥俄州 and beyond. The University hosts more than 440 arts and cultural events per year, and our 18 athletic teams compete at the highest level of intercollegiate athletics.

你在BGSU的旅程将走向何方 ?

