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As a public university for the public good, BGSU prepares students to live a productive life by empowering them to design their own unique well-being experience through education, programs and services, and reporting and response systems. 

Alcohol and Substance Misuse

The negative implications of alcohol and substance misuse or abuse can impact an individual’s health and decision-making, relationships, academic performance and future goals. Contributing factors to alcohol and substance use include stress, a belief that all students are engaging in those behaviors and a lack of accurate information about alcohol and substances, as well as misinformation about the consequences of their use.

hazing prevention

Hazing Education and Prevention

BGSU seeks to promote a safe environment so members of our learning community may participate in experiences and activities without compromising their health, well-being, dignity and/or rights. Hazing can cause irreparable harm to victims, victims’ families and the University community. BGSU has zero tolerance for any form of hazing.

Mental and Physical Well-Being

Each member of our BGSU community, including our students, faculty, staff, parents and families, must work together to promote mental and physical health and the well-being of our campus community. Let us be part of a community where we support one another with kindness and understanding.

Sexual Misconduct/Title IX

BGSU prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator, Lakeshia Dowlen, 207 Hayes Hall, (419) 372-8476,

What you can do

  • Educate yourself about how to assist individuals in distress
  • Learn about campus resources
  • Speak with the individual privately and use specific examples of what you are observing to let them know you are concerned about their well-being
  • Do not promise confidentiality concerning situations that require mandatory reporting
  • Share your concerns with others who can help
  • Take threats seriously
  • When in doubt, contact the Office of the Dean of Students 419-372-2843 and/or BGSU Police Department 419-372-2346

Report an Incident or Concern

The most important thing to remember is, if you see or know something that does not feel quite right, say something so that appropriate University personnel can assist. There are many options available to share information:

  • When immediate action is required because someone’s health, safety and/or property is at-risk, call 9-1-1.
  • When there are non-emergencies that require law enforcement intervention, BGSU Police can be reached by calling 419-372-2346.
  • When there is a student concern that is not an emergency, call the Office of the Dean of Students during business hours at 419-372-2843.
  • Submitting a written report through See It. Hear It. Report It.

We've got you covered

On-Campus Resources

Off-Campus Resources

*Denotes service providers with confidential resources

Community of Care Events

Key Partners

Updated: 06/20/2024 09:58AM